GA-Sen: Saxby Up by 4 Points

Democracy Corps (10/16-19, likely voters):

Jim Martin (D): 44

Saxby Chambliss (R-inc): 48

Undecided: 7

(MoE: ±4%)

That’s what we call “striking distance”, folks. While this race will require a huge final push, Chambliss is dangerously below 50% in eight of the last ten polls. Hopefully the DSCC will crank it up and and launch a saturation campaign in the final two weeks, but Martin still needs our help. His name ID is only at 55% according to this poll, meaning he has a lot of room to grow but not much time to do it.

If you’ve thought about donating to Jim Martin, please do so now — he could use the boost. Let’s get the total number of donors on SSP’s Actblue page up to an even 100.

Bonus finding: McCain leads Obama by only 46-44 in Georgia (with another 4% split evenly for Barr and Nader).

UPDATE: In the comments, safi makes a good observation: this poll didn’t include Libertarian Allen Buckley, who has taken levels of support in the mid-single digits in other recent polls.

8 thoughts on “GA-Sen: Saxby Up by 4 Points”

  1. But I see SUSA has started polling senate approval numbers.  They must have just posted September’s approvals, even though they are a month old.  

    Some key Senator’s approval/disapprovals as of September 28:

    KY – McConnell – 40/50 (-10)

    KS – Roberts – 49/36 (+13)

    MN – Coleman – 42/55 (-13)

    OR – Smith – 35/57 (-22!)

  2. Ralph Nader isn’t on the ballot here in Georgia.  While he will be an official write-in candidate, I don’t see 2% of the Georgia electorate writing him in.  

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